Editor: Date:March 6, 2023 Hits:


At the beginning of the new semester, over 30 international students from Russia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Iran, Iraq and other countries flew to Wuhan to start their life at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). This group of students is also the first batch of freshmen who flew from abroad to HUST campus after China optimized the control for COVID-19. HUST campus is now waiting for more colorful faces to come.


As the fabulous life of studying at HUST is about to begin, let's take a look at those young faces together!


International students from Russia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Iran, Iraq and other countries took photos after arriving in China

VIKTORIIA VASILEVA(維卡)和(hé)KOKORINA EVGENIIA(任雅)是兩名俄羅斯烏德穆爾特國立大(dà)學的校際交流生(shēng),談起終于來(lái)到中國的感受,她們感歎道(dào):“接到可(kě)以入境的消息後,我們馬上(shàng)開(kāi)始申請(qǐng)來(lái)華簽證,沒想到中國駐俄羅斯大(dà)使館的簽證業務太火(huǒ)爆了,我們排隊預約了很(hěn)久才成功。”在辦理(lǐ)簽證之後,維卡和(hé)任雅在第一時(shí)間(jiān)購買了到武漢的機票(piào),她們說:“雖然過程很(hěn)難,但(dàn)一想到能來(lái)到美麗(lì)的華中大(dà)校園學習,就隻剩下開(kāi)心和(hé)期待。”

VIKTORIIA VASILEVA and KOKORINA EVGENIA are two exchange students from Udmurt State University, Russia. They shared their feelings about finally arriving in China, "We began to apply for visa as soon as receiving the news that China relaxed its travel restrictions. But it took a long time to make the visa appointment at the Chinese Embassy in Russia, because there were too many people in line." After getting visa, they bought tickets to Wuhan immediately. "Although it’s hard, we are so excited that finally we can study at HUST campus." They said with sincere smile.


VIKTORIIA VASILEVA and KOKORINA EVGENIA took a picture at Wuhan Tianhe International Airport

馬來(lái)西亞的SEET LIAN(薛伊媛)也表示非常期待在華中大(dà)開(kāi)啓留學生(shēng)活,她在中國的社交媒體(tǐ)小(xiǎo)紅書(shū)APP上(shàng)發布了一系列動态,記錄自己從辦理(lǐ)簽證、購買機票(piào)、順利入境的經曆,這些(xiē)分享獲得(de)許多(duō)網友點贊,她也在小(xiǎo)紅書(shū)上(shàng)結識了許多(duō)華中大(dà)的同學。

Aonther international student SEET LIAN, from Malaysia, said she coundn’t wait to start her life in HUST. She posted a series of photos on Little Red Book, a very pupolar social media in China, to share her experience of visa application, ticket purchase and entry into Wuhan. Her posts were liked for hundreds of times, and at the same time she made friends with many HUSTers on the APP.


SEET LIAN shared her experience on Little Red Book


In the past three years, HUST has strived to overcome the impact of COVID-19 on international student education by active innovation to expand the enrollment of international students and attract high-quality international talents, and has achieved counter-trend growth in international student education. In the new era, HUST will cultivate more international ambassadors for cultural exchange under the guidance of President Xi Jinping's address on international student education, so as to promote high-quality development of international student education, open up new prospects in the future, move forward with the Republic and progress into a new era.

Previous:  【NEWS】五洲學子“喻”見華中大(dà)——②非洲:“有志(zhì)者,事竟成!”突尼斯學生(shēng)倪贊的“留學中國夢”
Next:  【NEWS】五洲學子“喻”見華中大(dà)——①歐洲:他們來(lái)了!從巴黎到武漢,從ENSEA到HUST