"Spoiler Alert": Conference Keynote Speeches
Editor: Date:September 30, 2022 Hits:


Today is 8-Day Countdown of the 1st HUST International Student Alumni Conference! Dear international student alumni, here comes two keynote speeches by HUST leading professors: Poverty Reduction: "China’s Innovation and Global Cooperation" and "Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality". Please stay tuned!


Prof. Wang Bing



Keynote Speech:

Poverty Reduction: China's Innovation and Global Cooperation

王冰教授的主要研究領域為(wèi)環境經濟與政策、倫理(lǐ)學與經濟學、幸福經濟學等。擔任20多(duō)家(jiā)國際國內(nèi)學術(shù)期刊評審專家(jiā),曾赴劍橋大(dà)學、冰島大(dà)學訪學。2006年被評為(wèi)湖(hú)北日報理(lǐ)論年度人(rén)物2010年獲得(de)中國和(hé)歐盟聯合資助的伊拉斯莫學者(Erasmus Scholar)稱号,2012年入選湖(hú)北省新世紀高(gāo)層次人(rén)才

Prof. Wang Bing, at College of Public Administration, his main research fields cover Environmental Economics and Policy, Ethics and Economics, Happiness Economics, etc. He serves as a reviewer on more than 20 international and Chinese academic journals, and ever worked in Cambridge University and University of Iceland as visiting scholar. Prof. Wang Bing was honored as Hubei Daily (Theory)’s “Man of Year” in 2006, Erasmus Scholar in 2010, New Century High-level talents in Hubei Province in 2012.


Prof. Liu Zhaohui



Keynote Speech:

Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality


Professor Liu Zhaohui, at State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion. He is the head of Carbon Capture and Storage Institute and ever worked as Deputy Director of State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, HUST. He works on Clean and low-carbon combustion technology of fossil energy, etc., and has authored two books, published over 100 academic articles on SCI journals, patented over 27 inventions and has 4 software copyright.

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