2024 Application Guide for International Students Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Editor: Date:January 6, 2022 Hits:

        Dear prospective international candidates,

Welcome to join us as a HUSTer!

Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) is a top-ranking and national key university under the administration of the Ministry of Education, P. R. China. HUST is one of the first universities approved under the national “985”& “211” Project and "Double First-Class" Initiative in China. HUST has consistently ranked among the top 10 universities in China and top 200 in the major domestic and international rankings, including the 2023 Times Higher Education World University Rankings and 2023 US News & World Report Best Global Universities Rankings.

HUST covers an area of over 460 hectares and has been acknowledged as the “University in the Forest” with a 72% greenery coverage. It offers students first-class services, high-quality education, and abundant library resources. Since 1960s, HUST has cultivated more than 10,000 outstanding international talents from over 160 countries and regions in the world.


HUST has been committed to developing a dynamic and innovative comprehensive university, covering 11 disciplines including engineering, medicine, economics, law, philosophy, education, literature, science, management, art and interdisciplinary disciplines. Eighty-five percent of the international students are registered in the English-medium programs.


The 2024 application for HUST starts on October 15th, 2023. Please choose your intended program from the link below:

  1. 2024 Application Guide for International Graduate Programs


  2. 2024 Application Guide for International Undergraduate Programs


  3. 2024 Application Guide for International Student Exchange Programs


  4. 2024 Application Guide for Chinese Language Program


  5. 2024 Application Guide for Foundation Programs (On Campus)


  6. Application Guide for 2024 HUST International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship


Application Guide for HUST 2024 Summer Schools!(100% English Speaking Program)


Application Guide for 2024 Internship Program in Scientific Research for Students from World-Renowned Un iversities


We are looking forward to meeting you at HUST in 2024.


Best regards,

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China






華中科技(jì)大(dà)學是國家(jiā)教育部直屬重點綜合性大(dà)學,是國家(jiā)“211工程重點建設和(hé)“985工程建設高(gāo)校之一,是首批雙一流建設高(gāo)校。根據2023U.S NEWS和(hé)TIMES最新排名,華中科技(jì)大(dà)學在全球高(gāo)校排名中穩居世界前200名。





1. 2024年華中科技(jì)大(dà)學國際研究生(shēng)招生(shēng)簡章


2. 2024年華中科技(jì)大(dà)學國際本科生(shēng)招生(shēng)簡章


3. 2024年華中科技(jì)大(dà)學校際交流項目招生(shēng)簡章


4. 2024年華中科技(jì)大(dà)學國際學生(shēng)漢語進修生(shēng)招生(shēng)簡章


5. 2024年華中科技(jì)大(dà)學國際學生(shēng)預科(線下)招生(shēng)簡章


6. 華中科技(jì)大(dà)學國際中文教師(shī)獎學金招生(shēng)簡章(2024年)


7. 2024年華中科技(jì)大(dà)學暑期學校招生(shēng)簡章(全英文項目)


8. 2024年世界知名大(dà)學科研實習項目招生(shēng)簡章





Previous:  華中科技(jì)大(dà)學國際中文教師(shī)獎學金招生(shēng)簡章(2023年)
Next:  Announcement No.3: 70-Day Countdown! HUST International Student Alumni Conference 倒計(jì)時(shí)70天!華中科技(jì)大(dà)學國際學生(shēng)校友大(dà)會(huì)公告(第三号)