Code Scanning-Access (Trial Running) in campus for International Students
Editor: Date:April 22, 2020 Hits:






1. 健康碼的顔色(紅、黃、綠)是根據Study Partner健康上(shàng)報情況進行(xíng)的大(dà)數(shù)據判斷,請(qǐng)全體(tǐ)國際學生(shēng)每天如實上(shàng)報健康狀況。

2. 身體(tǐ)異常、地理(lǐ)位置異常、健康上(shàng)報中斷等均會(huì)使健康碼顯示為(wèi)黃碼或紅碼。

3. 試運行(xíng)期間(jiān),如健康碼出現異常,請(qǐng)與所在院系輔導員或國際學生(shēng)辦公室聯系。

4. 實行(xíng)掃碼通(tōng)行(xíng)的時(shí)間(jiān)和(hé)場(chǎng)所,國際學生(shēng)辦公室将根據試運行(xíng)情況正式通(tōng)知。



Notice Regarding the Code Scanning-Access (Trial Running) in campus for International Students

To all International Students,

In order to further strengthen the management of epidemic situation and improve the work efficiency, ISO-SIE has developed health code management system for HUST international students. Now the relevant matters are notified as follows:

International Students living on campus, scan the QR code with WECHAT at access of Apartments, register with individual passport number, and select “ENTRY” or “LEAVE”.

During the trial running stage, international students still need to register with passport at the places like canteen, supermarket, etc.


(1) The color of Health Code (Green, Yellow or Red) is based on the big data analysis of health reporting of STUDY PARTNER APP. All international students are requested to report their health status truthfully every day in the APP.

(2) The abnormality of geographical location, health status, or the suspension of daily health report, will cause the color of Health Code display yellow or red.

(3) During the trial running stage, if the Health Code is abnormal, please contact your school counsellor or ISO.

(4) The official notice with the time and places for code scanning – access will be announced soon by ISO, which depends on the effect of the trial running.

International Student Office

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