CCFG Represantative Office in Indonesia Recruitment Notice
Editor: Date:March 6, 2024 Hits:
  • 公司名稱:中建一局印尼公司

     Company: China Construction First Group Corporation Limited Represantative Office in Indonesia. (CCFG)


    Head Office: PIK ,JAKATA


    Jeff 085959686436/Desta 081227279430


  • 公司關鍵信息Key Information of Company


    Main construction categories: apartment buildings, factories, hotels, airports, hospitals, shopping malls;


    Main business areas (main work locations):


    Jakarta, Tangerang, Bogor, Surabaya, Semarang, Bali, Balikpapan

  • 公司簡介Profile



    China Construction First Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as CCFG) is headquartered in Beijing and was established in 1953. It is a world-class enterprise with core competitiveness under China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited, ranked 9th on the Fortune Global 500 in 2022 and the world's largest investment and construction group. CCFG has more than 40,000 employees, more than 30 wholly-owned and holding companies, and a registered capital of 10 billion yuan. In 1983, CCFG entered into overseas business, and its business scope covers Russia, Germany, the Bahamas, Equatorial Guinea, Egypt, Kuwait Africa, the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and other places.

    中建一局印尼公司為(wèi)中建一局在印尼的駐外機構。目前中方員工23人(rén),屬地員工87人(rén)。辦公室位于PIK Agung Sedayu Tower. 中建一局印尼公司已獲得(de)印度尼西亞外資建築公司最高(gāo)建築資質B級。經營範圍為(wèi)工程施工,并在印尼取得(de)以下資質:

    China Construction First Group Corporation Limited Represantative Office in Indonesia is the overseas agency of China Construction First Group in Indonesia. Currently there are 23 Chinese employees and 87 local employees. The office is located in PIK Agung Sedayu Tower. CCFG Indonesia Company has obtained the highest construction qualification level B for foreign-funded construction companies in Indonesia. The business scope is engineering construction and has obtained the following qualifications in Indonesia:

  1. BG002 - 居住高(gāo)樓建築 如:公寓

    Residential high-rise buildings such as apartments

  2. BG003 -  倉庫和(hé)工業建築 (包括廠房(fáng))

    Warehouses and industrial buildings (including factories)

  3. BG004 - 商業建築 包括:購物中心、展覽中心、辦公大(dà)廈

    Commercial buildings include: shopping malls, exhibition centers, office buildings

  4. BG008 - 衛生(shēng)大(dà)樓 如:醫(yī)院(包括新建或裝修)

    Health building such as: hospital (including new construction or renovation)

  5. SI003 - 道(dào)路、火(huǒ)車(chē)、機場(chǎng)Roads, Trains, Airports

  6. SI004 - 高(gāo)橋、隧道(dào)、地鐵(tiě)High bridge, tunnel, subway

  7. SI011 - 室外體(tǐ)育館 Outdoor Stadium

  8. SI012 - 室內(nèi)體(tǐ)育館Indoor Stadium


In 2014, CCFG began to conduct research on the Indonesian market and track related projects;


In July 2017, CCFG Indonesia won the first bid in Indonesian – Daan Mogot City Project;

20187月中标Sky House BSD一期項目該工程為(wèi)碧桂園集團在印尼的首個(gè)高(gāo)端公寓項目,嚴格按照高(gāo)級安全标準進行(xíng)施工,獲得(de)國際安全獎;

In July 2018, CCFG Indonesia won the bid for the first phase of the Sky House BSD project. This project is Country Garden Group’s first high-end apartment project in Indonesia. It was constructed in strict accordance with high-level safety standards and won the International Safety Award.


In July 2018, CCFG Indonesia won the bid for the Marketing Gallery of Sky House Alam Setura. From earthwork to decoration public testing, the construction was completed in only 135 days, which was highly praised by the owners.


In August 2020, CCFG Indonesia successfully won the bid for the Indonesian Icon Tower project. This project is located in the core business district of Indonesia and consists of two super high-rise towers;


On November 16, 2020, CCFG Indonesia won the bid for BMT Intelligent Manufacturing Center project of OPPO. This project is a key project of the Tangerang Municipal Government. After the completion of the project, it has brought employment to more than 8,000 local people.


In December 2021, CCFG Indonesia successfully won the bid for the first phase of the Bali Exhibition Center project and was locked in as the EPC contractor. The project construction area is 125,000 square meters.


In April 2022, CCFG Indonesia successfully won the bid for the second phase of the Bali Exhibition Center project.


In December 2022, CCFG Indonesia won the bid for the Bali new airport project. The project construction was delayed due to government policy issues.


In June 2023, CCFG Indonesia won the bid for the Hailiang copper foil project in JIIPE Industrial Park, Surabaya. Indonesian President Joko Widodo personally went to the site to cut the ribbon for the project.


In October 2023, CCFG Indonesia won the bid for the Bogor Gulong Hotel project. This project is the first five-star high-end hotel project for undertaken by CCFG in Indonesia.


While CCFG Indonesia is conducting business in Indonesia, it also does not forget to maintain and develop the image of a responsible large enterprise. On October 22, 2018, CCFG Indonesia signed a talent employment internship agreement with Tarumanagara University of Indonesia in Jakarta; on April 23, 2019, the Indonesian company organized personnel to donate money and materials to local orphanages; on January 1, 2020, CCFG Indonesia organized Jakarta provided more than 20 motorboats for flood relief and rescued more than 100 workers and nearby villagers; on April 9, 2020, CCFG Indonesia donated epidemic prevention materials to the Indonesian government.


  • 薪酬福利Salary and Welfare


    Basic salary + performance appraisal + fixed allowance + non-fixed allowance + BPJS + assessment bonus + permanent labor contract opportunity;


    Fixed subsidies include: Chinese language subsidy, housing subsidy, computer subsidy, communication subsidy, overseas subsidy,


    Non-fixed allowances include: meal allowance, transportation allowance, business trip allowance, travel allowance for visiting relatives, and midnight snack allowance


    Those who work overtime on holidays without taking time off will be entitled to double wages.


    Paid annual leave starts at 12 days, and the longer the working years, the more annual leave;


    Bi-monthly assessment bonus: Assessment is conducted every two months, and cash rewards are given to employees with outstanding performance in the current period.

    Salary range: 9-12 items, Chinese talents enjoy an additional 2 Chinese subsidy.


    Holiday gifts: Company condolences are distributed on important holidays in Indonesia.


    Non-fixed-term labor contract: Employees who have worked for China Construction First Engineering Bureau Indonesia for a certain number of years have the opportunity to apply to the company to sign a non-fixed-term labor contract. The contract model is determined through negotiation between both parties based on needs.



    Salary range: 9-12 juta, Chinese talents enjoy an additional 2 juta Mandarin subsidy.

  • 招聘專業 Major



    Tax, QS, purchasing, logistic, administrative specialist, marketing specialist, human resources specialist

    Constructor, QC, Civil work engineer, MEP engineers, document controller, safety officers, translators, etc.

  • 資格條件Qualifications

  1. 大(dà)學本科及以上(shàng)學曆

    Bachelor degree or above;

  2. 英文或中文良好,日常溝通(tōng)無障礙

    Good command of English or Mandarin, Smooth for daily communication;

  3. 電(diàn)腦(nǎo)辦公軟件和(hé)相關專業軟件操作(zuò)熟練;

    Proficient in operating computer office software and related professional software

  4. 熱愛(ài)建築行(xíng)業有責任心吃(chī)苦耐勞的心态和(hé)秉性具有良好的團隊精神及具有較好的團隊合作(zuò)精神和(hé)組織協調能力

    Love the construction industry, have a responsible, hard-working mentality and temperament, have a good team spirit and have good teamwork spirit and organizational coordination skills

  5. 健康,語言表達流暢,無不能勝任崗位的疾病

    Be physically and mentally healthy, speak fluently, and have no diseases that make you unable to perform the job;

  6. 認同企業文化積極進取,樂觀誠信,富有責任感和(hé)上(shàng)進心,注重自我成長;

    Identify with the corporate culture, be proactive, optimistic and honest, have a sense of responsibility and self-motivation, and focus on self-growth;


Obey organizational arrangements and geographical distribution of work.

◆簡曆投遞◆CV Submission


  1. 郵箱投遞Email:

(簡曆投遞格式:意向崗位-姓名 file name format: position+name


Attachments: CCFG standard resume, graduation certificate, honorary certificate, etc.


Standard resume download address:


Note: we only read the standard cv from CCFG indonesia


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