The Opening Ceremony for 2023 HUST-OXFORD Summer Internship Program Successfully Held
Editor: Date:June 30, 2023 Hits:


On the morning of June 27th, the Opening Ceremony for 2023 HUST-OXFORD Summer Internship Program was successfully held at the School of International Education of HUST. Attendees are Prof. Chen Jianguo, Vice President, Prof. Zhou Liping, Dean of the School of International Education, Prof. Luo Xiaobing, Chinese Dean of China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy, Ms. Ge Qian, Party Secretary of the School of Electronic Information and Communications, Prof. Zou Mingqing, Vice Dean of China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy and Prof. Xiong Wei, Assistant Director of Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics. 14 undergraduate students from the University of Oxford participated in the opening ceremony. The ceremony was hosted by Ms. Zhao Xiaofeng, Vice Dean of the School of International Education.



On behalf of HUST, Prof. Chen Jianguo first extended a warm welcome to all Oxford students. He mentioned that the HUST-OXFORD Summer Internship is an important student exchange program, laying a solid foundation for more cooperation between HUST and the University of Oxford. Prof. Chen Jianguo gave a brief introduction to HUST education characteristics, disciplinary settings, research platform advantages and international cooperation. He also emphasized the great attraction of HUST national research platforms for outstanding students and researchers, such as the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center and Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics. He expressed wishes to continue to strengthen cooperation with the University of Oxford in scholar visits, research cooperation, and cultural exchanges in the future.



Prof. Zhou Liping reviewed the development history of the HUST-OXFORD Summer Internship in details. She pointed out that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the HUST-OXFORD Summer Internship, and it was the first time the program was launched offline after the pandemic. She hopes that students can make full use of this opportunity to deeply learn and experience the advantages of HUST scientific research platform, strengthen communication with teachers and students of HUST, and actively participate in Chinese culture activities organized by HUST. She hopes that Oxford students can learn from the internship and actively share what they have seen and gained with Oxford teachers and students, so that the world can learn more about HUST, Wuhan, and China.



Prof. Luo Xiaobing stressed in his speech that the China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy (ICARE) is an important window for China's education of energy engineering to Europe, and has established long-term friendly cooperation with partners such as the University of Oxford and top engineering education universities in Europe. ICARE has always been committed to cultivating high-quality talents in the field of renewable energy, providing talents with all-round support for establishing a sustainable, environmentally friendly, and efficient energy industry in China and even the world. He emphasized that based on HUST, ICARE has gathered top scientific research resources from China and Europe, and achieved magnificent development by building a high-level international scientific research cooperation platform with the School of Energy and Power Engineering and State Key Laboratory of coal combustion and low-carbon utilization. Oxford Students are very welcome to join in and work together with ICARE students to make contributions to the goal of global low-carbon sustainable development.


随後,來(lái)自牛津大(dà)學的學生(shēng)代表Patrick Rees上(shàng)台發言。他表示,華中科技(jì)大(dà)學擁有豐富的教學資源和(hé)雄厚的科研實力,華科大(dà)曆年的暑期實習項目都獲得(de)了牛津學子的一緻好評,正是這個(gè)項目的良好口碑促使他申請(qǐng)參加今年暑期的線下實習。他期待,能夠在華科大(dà)頂尖導師(shī)的指導下,在光伏太陽能電(diàn)池領域繼續深耕,進一步明(míng)确自己未來(lái)的科研方向。

Patrick Rees, a student representative from the University of Oxford delivered a speech. He said that HUST has rich teaching resources and strong scientific research strength. Over the years, HUST-OXFORD summer internship has won great praise from many Oxford students. It’s the good reputation of this program that prompted him to apply for offline internship this summer. He looks forward to continuing to delve deeper into the field of photovoltaic solar cells and further clarify his future research direction under the guidance of top professors of HUST.



Since 2013, HUST and the University of Oxford have jointly launched the HUST-OXFORD Summer Internship. Nearly 80 Oxford students participated in the program. As the first university to accept Oxford students for scientific research internships in China, HUST has won three gold medals for summer camps issued by the University of Oxford for its outstanding teaching and research achievements. In August 2022, the University of Oxford sent the Letter of Appreciation to HUST and specially appreciate HUST for arranging professional internships and providing high-quality service, and Oxford students also highly praised this summer internship.



The 2023 summer internship will last for 6 weeks. HUST has arranged internships for Oxford students at research groups of the China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy, Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics and the School of Electronic Information and Communications. HUST will continue to strengthen communication and cooperation with world-renowned universities through high-level programs such as Internship Program in Scientific Research for Students from World-Renowned Universities, so as to attract more high-quality students and make contributions to "Double First-Class" Construction of HUST.

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