Editor: Date:September 26, 2022 Hits:

歐拉,Sabella Jelimo Kiprono


學習期限/Study period2014.9-2018.7  


PhD: Microbiology, School of Life science and Technology, HUST

Supervisor: Prof. Yang Guang

現在肯尼亞Masinde Muliro科技(jì)大(dà)學工作(zuò)

Currently working at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology(MMUST).



Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) is a palace of knowledge and learning and a place for pursuing dreams and achieving aspirations. Science has been a passion and a dream to pursue to higher level in my life. Coming to China to study Doctor of philosophy in microbiology became one of my breakthroughs to achieve my goals and dreams in science. I came to China in 2014 where I was admitted in college of life science and technology to pursue my PhD in microbiology. The journey in my field of research has not been an easy one but through the support and guidance of my supervisor Prof. Yang Guang and post-doctoral fellow in our lab Dr. Muhammad Wajid Ullah. They always gave me directions in my area of research, gave me more morale and motivation to learn new modern techniques and study more hard in my field.

華中科技(jì)大(dà)學是莘莘學子的知識殿堂,也是我追求夢想、實現抱負的地方。鑽研科學知識一直是我的人(rén)生(shēng)目标,所以我做(zuò)出了一個(gè)重要決定:來(lái)中國攻讀微生(shēng)物學博士。2014年,我被華中科技(jì)大(dà)學生(shēng)命科學與技(jì)術(shù)學院錄取,來(lái)到中國攻讀微生(shēng)物學博士學位。雖然我的研究生(shēng)涯并非一帆風順,但(dàn)有幸得(de)到我的導師(shī)楊光教授和(hé)博士後研究員 Muhammad Wajid Ullah 博士的支持和(hé)指導,他們的鼓勵讓我更有勇氣和(hé)動力在生(shēng)物學領域繼續深造。

I spend most of my time reading recent articles during my first year so as to acquire the new trends in the field of microbiology and pick up one of the area of my interest.  By the time I was in second year I started engaging in laboratory work to apply the knowledge I had learned through the articles I had read. Scientific research needs patience and commitment. One can easily give up if you find you do not get the right results but I was patient enough when carrying out my research until I could get good results.  To achieve my goals and obtain good data I could spend most of my time in the laboratory where sometimes you are forced to have sleepless nights.  Sometimes I could even spend my weekends to be in the laboratory doing my experiments which could be a time to catch up with friends but in reality i ended up spending less time with many of my friends due to tight laboratory schedule.


However, hard work pays by the time I was in third year I had enough results to enable me publish a paper. Furthermore I decided to do more on my research to learn more techniques hence I proceeded on with my experiments so as to learn more research skills to enable me publish more data. Glad enough I had very supportive Chinese laboratory mates who could help when a need arise and very social. We could spend most of the free times to visit places and have fun together mostly over the weekends. They made a family away from home which made me enjoy my stay in china and pursue my studies smoothly and successfully.


Am glad that I graduated in 2018 June and was very thank full for Chinese and Kenyan government for having given me this opportunity to and study and explore in china.


I had very good time with my fellow Chinese lab mates who were more than willing to assist me. We had much fun when our supervisor could organize for parties and outings. We could cook together Chinese food, sing in karaoke and play very many games (bowling, pool). I miss HUST and my lab mates, wish one day I will get some time to visit HUST. Chinese language was a bit hard but the little I learned really helped to survive in China,with the help of my Chinese lab mates I was able to learn more Chinese and many cultures of China. I believe that in future we will engage in many exchange programs to enable continuity of the relationships already established.




Life has been a long Journey since when I graduated in HUST 2018. When I returned to Kenya after my PhD ,I reported back to my university (Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology(MMUST)) where I was working before I went to China. I was glad to comeback after graduating with a doctorate degree in Microbiology.

2018 年我從華中大(dà)博士畢業,之後回到肯尼亞Masinde Muliro科技(jì)大(dà)學工作(zuò)。在去中國留學之前我就在這所大(dà)學工作(zuò),獲得(de)微生(shēng)物學博士學位後,我又再次回到了這裏。

Immediately I reported back in 2018 October I was elected the school Postgraduate coordinator where I was coordinating postgraduate studies in the school of public Health Biomedical Science and Technology. I did my best to improve the postgraduate studies and research in the school.  During this time I have managed to supervise 5 masters students and two PhD students, where by 3 of masters students will be graduating this year.

2018 年 10 月,我成為(wèi)學校的研究生(shēng)導師(shī),幫助指導公共衛生(shēng)生(shēng)物醫(yī)學科學與技(jì)術(shù)學院研究生(shēng)的學業。在此期間(jiān),我成功指導了 5 名碩士生(shēng)和(hé) 2 名博士生(shēng),其中 3 名碩士将于今年畢業。

Currently we are writing a Memorandum of Understanding between HUST 3 BIO lab and MMUST department of medical laboratory Sciences. This will bring us together with HUST in terms of research activities and Exchange programs.

目前,HUST 3 BIO 實驗室和(hé) MMUST 醫(yī)學實驗室科學系之間(jiān)正在商討(tǎo)科研合作(zuò),準備簽署諒解備忘錄。相信通(tōng)過這些(xiē)學術(shù)交流項目,未來(lái)我們會(huì)和(hé)HUST達成更多(duō)合作(zuò)。

Thank you HUST for having made me the person I am today. The training I received in HUST has really built up my skills and sharpens my research skills. You blessed my life and I will live to remember HUST forever in my heart.

感謝 HUST 成就了今天的我。在華中大(dà)的學習經曆讓我獲益匪淺,我會(huì)永遠記得(de)學校對我的幫助。

I cherish and love HUST. Live long HUST and happy 70th Anniversary. I Long visit HUST soon.


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