2019 HUST Joint Conference of Confucius Institutes Held
Editor: Date:December 18, 2019 Hits:

On the afternoon of December 7, the 2019 Joint Conference of Confucius Institutes (CI) of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) was held at the Wutongyu Academic Exchange Center. Representatives of the Wayne State University (WSU) in USA, the University of Canterbury (UC) in New Zealand, the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Brazil, the CIs at the three mentioned universities, the Confucius Institute Council of HUST, the International Exchange Center of HUST and the School of International Education of HUST attended the conference. It was presided over by the Vice President of HUST, Prof. Chen Jianguo.
In his welcome speech, Chen noted that the three CIs had played an irreplaceable role in local communities since their foundation, and had gained popularity among local students, faculties and residents. Meanwhile, they became a strong link between HUST and the three universities, a window for the people of the United States, New Zealand and Brazil to understand Chinese culture, and an important carrier of people-to-people exchanges. He hoped that with initial intentions in mind, they could innovate connotative development, and become the global model of CI development. HUST will continue to strongly support the construction of the Confucius Institute.


The Pro-vice Chancellor of Arts of UC, Jonathan Peter Le Cocq, and the Vice Rector of UFMG, Alessandro Fernandes Moreira, expressed their gratitude towards HUST for its strong support on behalf of their universities. The Director and Deputy Director of the three CIs then reported to the Council members their 2018-2019 work report and 2020 development plans.
Prof. John Richard Brender and Liang Li, the Director and Deputy Director of the CI at WSU, respectively introduced various cultural activities, such as Tai Chi Show, Spring Festival Gala, Winter Ball, Table Tennis Competition, Chinese Cooking Contest and Chinese Cuisine Salon. Dr. Chia-Rong Wu, and Associate Prof. Yu Qianhua, the Director and Deputy Director of the CI at UC, said they would further reach out to local primary and secondary schools to attract more Chinese language learners. According to their counterparts, Prof. Barbara Malveira Orfano and Ms. Cheng Jin, the CI at UFMG would focus on training local Chinese teachers in the future.

Representatives of the three CIs then voted to approve their final accounts and the following year's budget, and decided that the next joint conference would be held at Wayne State University in June 2020. During the discussion session, they held a dialogue about strengthening cooperation and exchanges not only among the CIs but also among the universities. A consensus was reached to form a joint conference mechanism to promote exchanges of students and faculties, share teaching resources, build joint workshops and explore the "CI +"cooperation model.
After the joint conference, representatives of the three CIs went to Changsha, Hunan Province to attend the 2019 International Chinese Education Conference.


12月7日下午,華中科技(jì)大(dà)學2019年孔子學院聯席會(huì)議在梧桐語問學中心隆重舉行(xíng)。 美國韋恩州立大(dà)學、新西蘭坎特伯雷大(dà)學、巴西米納斯吉拉斯聯邦大(dà)學校領導及其孔子學院中外方院長、我校孔子學院理(lǐ)事單位代表、國際交流處和(hé)國際教育學院有關負責人(rén)等出席聯席會(huì)議。 副校長陳建國主持會(huì)議。
陳建國在歡迎辭中指出,三所孔子學院自成立以來(lái),在當地發揮着無可(kě)替代的影(yǐng)響力和(hé)凝聚力,受到了學生(shēng)、教師(shī)和(hé)社區(qū)的廣泛歡迎。 同時(shí),孔子學院成為(wèi)學校和(hé)三所大(dà)學合作(zuò)的堅強紐帶,是美國、新西蘭、巴西人(rén)民了解中國文化的重要窗口和(hé)人(rén)文交流的重要載體(tǐ)。 他希望三所孔子學院不忘初心,創新發展內(nèi)涵,建設成為(wèi)全球示範孔子學院。 學校将繼續大(dà)力支持孔子學院建設。
新西蘭坎特伯雷大(dà)學副校長Jonathan Peter Le Cocq、巴西米拉斯吉納斯聯邦大(dà)學副校長Alessandro Fernandes Moreira 代表各自學校對華中科技(jì)大(dà)學的大(dà)力支持表示感謝。 三所孔子學院的中外方院長向理(lǐ)事會(huì)成員彙報了2018—2019年度工作(zuò)報告及2020年發展計(jì)劃。
韋恩州立大(dà)學孔子學院外方院長John Richard Brender和(hé)中方院長梁麗(lì)介紹了豐富的孔院文化活動。 如體(tǐ)驗太極、春節聯歡晚會(huì)、冬季舞會(huì)、乒乓球賽、中華美食烹饪大(dà)賽、中華美食沙龍等。 坎特伯雷大(dà)學孔子學院外方院長吳家(jiā)榮、中方院長餘千華表示,坎大(dà)孔院将進一步發揮作(zuò)用,深入當地中小(xiǎo)學,吸引更多(duō)人(rén)學習中文。 米納斯吉拉斯聯邦大(dà)學孔子學院外方Barbara Malveira Orfano、中方院長程進提到,巴西孔院今後将重點培養本土中文教師(shī)。
三所孔子學院表決通(tōng)過決算(suàn)和(hé)下一年度預算(suàn),并确定下一屆聯席會(huì)議将于2020年6月在韋恩州立大(dà)學舉行(xíng)。 在研討(tǎo)交流環節,各孔子學院代表踴躍發言,氣氛熱烈,就加強校級合作(zuò)及孔子學院之間(jiān)的交流進行(xíng)了熱烈的討(tǎo)論,并初步達成系列共識。 各校将以聯席會(huì)議為(wèi)契機,大(dà)力促進教師(shī)互訪和(hé)學生(shēng)交換,共享教學資源,聯合舉辦夏令營、學術(shù)工作(zuò)坊,打造“孔子學院+”合作(zuò)模式。

撰稿  魏晶晶 王櫻 尹新林

翻譯/編輯  殷詩夢

校譯  王櫻


統籌  尹新林
審核  蘭行(xíng)行(xíng)

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