I Achieved Success at HUST
Editor:Muhammad Yasir Date:July 27, 2016 Hits:

學号Student ID No.: I201222160


國籍Nationality: Pakistan

入學年月Enrollment Y/M: 2012/09

畢業年份Graduation Y/M: 2016/06

學習專業 Enrolled Major: Materials Science

所在院系Registered School: School of Material Science and Engineering

所獲學位Degree Awarded: Ph. D.

MUHAMMAD YASIR is the first international Ph. D. student from the School of Material Science and Engineering, HUST.

A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. My journey begins with a childhood dream to become a great scientist. I lived in a small city “Chakwal” (Pakistan) with my family. Engineering was my passion and all the stuff around me was repaired or left opened after repairing which annoyed my family members and close friends. I always struggled and tried new ideas so I can do some big innovation. Most of the time, I failed and damaged many things but the loved ones around you never let you down. These innovations sometimes made people around me very happy and they always encouraged me. I started my study career far away from my hometown to a hilly area place “PIPS college Abbottabad” where my whole motivation was inspired by my beloved father. My mother had always tears in her eyes whenever I left home but she really helped me to get good quality education. Later, I got successful in getting scholarship for the best Engineering University which made my life easy to achieve the goal of my life. Still the dream was incomplete without becoming a good researcher. The HUST fulfilled my life time dream to do something meaningful and I was extremely happy to get an honor of doing my doctoral degree here.

I came to China with a hope of love, good quality education and above all the friendship between Pakistan and China. I couldn’t speak “NI HAO” on my arrival but the friendly and warm hearted people never let me feel alone here. HUST became as my second home and it makes my eyes wet and heart heavy when I think that soon I have to leave HUST. I will always miss the peaceful environment and lovely people who helped me throughout my stay here. The beautiful lakes and the guarding trees on the sides of road in our campus give me a hope and positive energy whenever I got stuck in my research problems. The food in the start was quite difficult to get used to it but later on we discovered the real beauty of Chinese food and now water comes in my mouth when I think even during writing this essay. I can’t forget my first time when I used the chopsticks and the tasty “NIU ROU LAMIAN”. I usually took an hour to finish a single bowl of noodles. This gave me more time to make new Chinese friends. The healthy lifestyle of eating and drinking hot water every time makes me feels more fresh and energetic. I have no words to explain how much I learnt from the Chinese people around me. The interesting and surprising thing about Chinese community is that these people are really not only hard working but also attached to their basic moral and cultural values.

The experiences are too many to share on this platform but specifically I would like to thank the International Student office and all the staff who organized our overall stay from coming to airport to accommodation and other problems. I still remember when I reached Friendship apartment with my luggage having no idea what to do but the volunteers arranged by ISO helped us a lot and even dragged our bags to our dormitories. It was the cool and calm guy “Mr. Ren” who dealt with our initial registration and scholarship procedures. He handled all of his work intelligently and never made any mistake. The real revolution came with the arrival of the evergreen, young and energetic “Mr. Lan” with his innovative ideas and managerial skills who established an organized system for each and every step during our curricular and co-curricular activities. It is really hard to handle and make people understand with different nationalities from all over the world but he did a great job with a smiling face and we will remember him throughout our life. The other unforgettable memory was given to us by SICA who helped us to learn the culture, language and organized various weekly activities which never let us feel away from home. I would never forget my Chinese teacher “Miss Xiao Tian” who made us familiar with the Chinese language and I still remember that I used to practice Chinese with the local peoples everywhere around me.

Regarding research experience, I feel that HUST is among one of the best institutes of the world. The modern lab facilities with experienced technical staff helped me to do my research more independently. The laboratory staff on the equipment were so helping with us that sometimes they worked overtime for us happily. I was lucky to have the honor of getting into Prof. Liu Lin’s research team. Prof. Liu Lin is a kind advisor. He gives his students the freedom to pursue avenues of research that interest them and is always available to visit in his office and provide valuable insight and scientific breakthroughs. He fosters an atmosphere of invention and trust and happiness and gave me the education I had dreamed of. Thanks to Dr. Zhang Cheng as he gave me good suggestions to improve the presentation of my work and I thank him for his precious time, knowledge and instruction during my time at HUST. Many thanks to my fellow group members for sharing their latest breakthroughs and the excitement those discoveries bring. They were always there with equipment expertise, scientific know how and great conversation topics. My family is the best! They were always excited to hear about my work and often provided new ways of thinking about problems that led to the answers I needed. They cheered me on, understood my strange hours and even helped in lots of my midnight jaunts to the lab.

Last but not the least, I would like to say that HUST has given me the most beautiful memories of my life. If I have a chance to go back in time, I would choose HUST again and again. HUST is the best and will always be the best. In short, I love HUST!

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