Big Stories

Vice President Gao Liang attends Australia-China University Presidents Forum

Jun 7, 2024

From May 29 to June 2, Gao Liang, Vice President of HUST, attended the Australia-China University Presidents Forum in Australia where he delivered a speech and visited the University of Adelaide, the University of Melbourne and Monash University.



On May 29, the Australia-China University Presidents Forum, also known as the First Meeting of the China-Australia Research University Alliance, was held in Adelaide, Australia. The forum, co-hosted by the China Education Association for International Exchange and the Group of Eight (Go8), brought together over 80 representatives from 22 Chinese “Double First-Class” universities and 8 Australian comprehensive universities.



During the session on “Research Innovation and International Cooperation”, Prof. Gao delivered a speech entitled “Collaboration for Innovation” and had in-depth dialogues with Duncan Maskell, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Melbourne, Sharon Pickering, Vice-Chancellor and President of Monash University, Colin Grant, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Global of the University of New South Wales, and Ding Aijun, Assistant to the President of Nanjing University.

Prof. Gao highlighted that HUST has achieved leading scientific and technological innovations based on its 28 national research facilities and is committed to building an international scientific cooperation network. He reviewed HUSTs successful collaboration with Go8, elaborated on the Sino-Australia Composites Science and Engineering Research Center co-established by HUST, the University of Sydney, the University of New South Wales and the University of Western Australia. He also introduced the UNSW-HUST Joint Center focusing on cutting-edge research and education in the fields of One Health and Sustainable Development. Prof. Gao expressed his hope for further cooperation between Chinese and Australian universities such as joint innovation centers, long-term academic exchanges as well as joint programs, so as to contribute to global scientific progress.


The meeting noted that Australia and China are key research and education partners with complementary strengths and mutual interests. It was agreed that research collaboration should remain central to enhancing long-standing bilateral relationship, and to driving science discovery, skills, trade and mutual economic growth in the 21st century knowledge economy. It was emphasized that universities from both countries need to work closely with open dialogues to address shared challenges, such as climate change, energy transition, health and food insecurity.

During the visit, the delegation visited the University of Adelaide, the University of Melbourne and Monash University. At the University of Adelaide, the delegation learned about its research on medicine, viticulture and oenology, gaining insights into its successful practice in research collaboration and application. At the University of Melbourne, Prof. Gao discussed the possibilities of cooperation in joint research and talent training with Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas, Interim Dean at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, and toured the Melbourne Connect Innovation Precinct. At Monash University, the delegation visited the Monash Innovation Labs and Woodside Building for Technology and Design, and had conversations on research collaboration, technology transfer and joint training of researchers with its senior leaders.


During his visit, Prof. Gao also met with HUST alumni in Australia.




Written by: Zhou Enlin

Edited by: Zhang Shiyu, Chang Wen, Peng Yumen


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